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Tradition Vs Modernisation

Eduaksi | Tuesday, 02 Jan 2024, 23:28 WIB

Traditions are customs or habits that are carried on from generation to generation, so that they continue to be carried on without eliminating noble values in the same way over and over again. These repeated habits are carried out because they have benefits and advantages for the people who do them, so people always preserve them. Meanwhile, modernisation is the process of changing from an undeveloped (ancient) period to a more advanced (modern) period and following the times.

Tradition and modernisation are two elements that often contradict each other, but can also complement each other in the formation of a society. The debate between these two concepts often creates an interesting dynamic in the development of a culture or society.

A balance between tradition and modernisation is key to the development of a sustainable and dynamic society. Understanding and appreciating cultural heritage and traditional values can provide a strong foundation for the development of a society. On the other hand, embracing the innovations and technologies of modernisation can help improve the quality of life and competitiveness of a society on a global scale.

It is important to create dialogue and space for interaction between the generation that inherits tradition and the generation that brings new ideas. Combining traditional elements with modernisation can create a harmonious continuity between the past and the future. Over time, every society must be able to evaluate its traditions, identify relevant values and respond to the changing dynamics of the modern world. With a balanced approach between tradition and modernisation, communities can benefit from both and create a dynamic and responsive environment.


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