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Lulled in Comfort

Pendidikan dan Literasi | 2023-11-02 23:09:05
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A sense of comfort that makes me even more of a mageran person. Starting from junior high school to high school, English lessons were not very interested in me, even fairly ordinary starting from the teacher who delivered it to the lessons that I considered difficult even more complicated than algebra hehehe, even though they were equally complicated.

The work environment rarely uses it, never even chats using English, yes at school meet students after that meet colleagues well if you chat more using Sundanese, Sundanese pride hehehe. Most of the motivation arises when the school assigns me to attend workshops or seminars, a little bit if I listen to understanding but the vocabulary mastery that I master is a little.

After graduating from the Teaching Profession course, the motivation increasingly emerged, starting to like listening back to English-language songs while singing the lyrics and translations. Actually, I once thought I wanted to go to Pare to learn English, so that I could speak English fluently, inspired by the PPG lecturer at that time, who told me that he had visited Pare, more precisely the English Village. Again and again it's too comfortable and mageran so it's just a discourse and wishful thinking, hehehe.

Alhamdulillah, after receiving the mandate, he was appointed as a civil servant, the burden increased. When yes, I became a teacher just like this, plus there were people who broke me mentally in my happiest moments, That's where I started to get cut myself and my motivation to improve myself was even greater. Starting to look for activities that improve my self-quality, participating in government programs to become a mobilizing teacher and even though I didn't pass hehehe, the mager came again, but I will continue to try again.

Walking hand in hand when I realized, I had to get out of this comfort zone, especially my profession which requires being able to in all fields. Because now it has an independent curriculum, it requires that teachers must be creative.

When that feeling came up, there was an extraordinary opportunity, seeing BKPSDM's post about the English Summer Camp event. There I tried to take courage. What can it be that number is important, brave first and want to improve my English which is far from perfect. Start filling in the link and upload an English introduction video even though it has to be repeated several times. Even then, it will not occur to invite, because I believe other people must be good and smart.

Maybe it's God's destiny for me to join the English Summer Camp, in my heart I laughed, hehehe when I participated. There was a sense of nervousness and fear, because I would be a person who couldn't hehehe. During the early days of the original activity, there was great fear and shame, and even a sense of inferiority appeared. But over time I started to enjoy it and learned a lot from my mentors and friends.

Thank God that feeling was broken because the people who were very humble and positive vibes wanted to teach, did not feel the most capable, nurturing, really I was there feeling ashamed of myself and regret arose why I used to not like English so much, even though this is when mastering English it feels like the world feels wide open. It was there that I began to love and was motivated to deepen my language even more.

Indeed, you have to get out of your comfort zone to explore your potential and improve your quality, it's time to wake up from comfort. The Summer Camp event was a very valuable experience, not only adding friends and relationships but a lot of lessons I learned. And became my starting point to learn again, deepen English. As the saying goes, lifelong learning. May this willingness to learn always istiqomah.


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