Time Management Tips for College Students
Sekolah | 2023-05-29 20:33:20“Time is money” is a phrase we are all familiar with. Wasting time is the same as wasting money. It is true, because if we waste time, we have wasted the opportunity to earn money. Therefore we cannot do everything in one day. In order to manage work, social life and sleep, division of time being such a important thing. Time management problems are often found among students. Students often find it difficult to divide their time between studying, resting, playing and so on. Sometimes they do time management in an incorrect way, so it is not effective. Humans are not machines that can multitask. The human body is only designed to do one thing at a time. It is not easy for a new college student especially students who study outside the city, live alone, live in a boarding house to live independently. Of course, time management and discipline are needed. So, There are some tips college student who have problem with time management so that they can manage their time well.
A good time management will have a very good impact as well, for daily life in carrying out activities. With good time management you can organize what activities you can do with a certain period of time, you can manage whether an activity is worth spending a long or short time. According to Atkinson (in Luthfiana, 2010), time management is a type of skill related to all forms of efforts and actions of a person that are carried out in a planned manner so that individuals can make the best use of time. It is a must for students to be able to manage their time. without proper time management, students will find it difficult to know which activities they should do. and in the end it will also have a bad impact on their academics.
The first tips for college student to manage their time effectively is doing time management by differentiating the category of each activity. This method is done by distinguishing each activity that we will do. write a list of activities from the most important to activities that can be done in spare time. This method is done by distinguishing each activity that we will do. Write a list of activities from the most important to activities that can be done in your spare time. With this method you will no longer be confused in doing your activities both outside campus and in the campus area. We must be able to differentiate every work that you will do. Which activities that urgent and not urgent, and which activities that important and not important.
The other tips is Time Management by using attractive planner. This is also being one of tips that effective for time management. Some student just write their activities in a boring way, just write it without any attractive thing. This will make us afraid of the activities that we will do. the notes of activities that we should see instead become pressure for us. So the solution is that we should make our notes more attractive. with interesting notes it will make us more enthusiastic and we can do our activities properly without any pressure. You can add some beautiful decorations to your notes and add stickers. Besides making your notes beautiful, your notes also look neat.
Time management is not a difficult thing to do. The key to successful in time management is consistency and commitment in doing it, you can't be out of line with the activities you have organized. That is how you will get used to doing it and no longer need to force yourself to organize and others. Time management can be effective if we do these tips, first is you can do time management differentiating the category of each activity that will make our notes more organized and the second way is make our notes or planner look attractive, it will make us more enthusiastic to look at our notes.
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