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Unlimited Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk Every Night

Dunia islam | Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 06:11 WIB

Surah Mulk 1–30: The whole Quran is special and every part of it is going to have something to benefit you. But is it okay to have a favorite Surah? Or to recite something repeatedly or listen to it. Because it resonates with you in a certain way, maybe because of where you’re at in life at the moment? Absolutely, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself was most moved by the verses that reminded him of his responsibility. The verse in Surah An-Nisaa and how it will be written says we bring forth a witness upon every nation, and we bring you, O Muhammad ﷺ, as a witness upon them. He wept profusely (S.A.W); he couldn’t even handle more of its recitation or the time he spent the entire night reciting just one Ayah and crying.

If you punish them, they belong to you after all. But if you forgive them, you are surely the Almighty, All-Wise.

30 verses and will intercede on behalf of its companion. In narration, he said, “KHAASAMAI BISAHIBIHA.” It will continue to argue on behalf of its companion, “HATTA YUHFARA LAHU,” until that person is certainly forgiven by Allah (SWT). So, this Quran as much as it is shifa, is healing in this life. It’s so much more for you in the next, and from the movement you enter your grave to the movement of your entrance into paradise, all it keeps on bringing is elevation, which is also true of the life that we live in now.

So, how does Surah Mulk prevent Adhab Al-Qabar? The one who frequently recites it, the one who memorises it, the one who loves it, the one who recites it in Salah, the one because this version says He would stand with Surah Al-Mulk in salah, so not just reading it once or twice, but being frequent in it’s reading, being of those who are reported, even though some have said the hadith is Allah Almighty knows best. If it is weak or not, once the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, Those who recite Surah Mulk every night, there is a narration like this as well. He would recite Surah Al-Mulk every single night, but even if it’s not every night, these traditions mention protecting the grave from punishment. They simply make frequent references to Surah Mulk. So, this means Surah Mulk should be on your regular list, along with Iklas, Qul hu Allahu Ahad, Falaq, Nas, and Surah Mulk as well. Even if you split it over 2/3/4 rakat or something or recite it every few days, it should be on your regular list of Surah e Mulk as well.


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