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Big Data as A New Challenge for Accounting

Teknologi | 2023-11-30 13:56:54

Musu Koroma (Student of International Program of Accounting Universitas of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)

Big data is new challenge for accounting. As we know, internet technology has many implications in our life, include in accounting. So, as student of accounting, we must understand of big data.

Miklos A. Vasarhelvi in his article title Big Data in Accounting: An Overview, published in Journal Accounting Horizon (2015) stated that Big Data for measurement and assurance in auditing and accounting. They take into consideration the evolving character of accounting records, the integration of non-conventional data sources into the accounting and auditing spheres, the necessity of modifying the standards for accounting and auditing, and the novel prospects for audit analytics made possible by big data.

Miklos A. Vasarhelvi also explain into how Big Data interacts with more conventional data sources and how it affects behavioral research and audit judgment. Understanding the enormous potential advantages of big data as well as the inevitable difficulties and roadblocks that stand in the way of its application would be beneficial to both accounting academics and practitioners. In order to further their professional growth in the future, advanced accounting students would also benefit from exposure to these developing difficulties.


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