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Indonesia Embraces Multicultural Education: Forsetering Divesity and Inclusion in Learning Environme

Pendidikan dan Literasi | 2023-12-14 23:12:03

Indonesia is a multicultural country. It includes several racial, religious and cultural groups. A nation of 13,000 islands, 300 ethnic groups and 200 languages. This community follows six religions (Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism) in addition to other faiths (Noer, 2019; Utomo, 2020; Zainuri, 2018). National diversity can be both an opportunity and a problem. The possibility of sovereignty over diversity, as well as the risks of conflict posed by diversity itself. On the one hand, the diversity of a multicultural society is an asset for national prosperity, but on the other hand, this situation is prone to conflict and division (Dellarosa, 2021). Managing this diversity is critical to maintaining the integrity of the Indonesian nation and encouraging its development. A pluralistic society, like the Indonesian national identity, requires an emphasis on unity rather than diversity. The theme of multiculturalism will appear there. Multiculturalism is based on the recognition of social diversity. This heterogeneity can be seen as diversity in culture, customs, lifestyles, beliefs, and other types of distinctions (Budirahayu, 2020).

In particular, unresolved conflicts between followers of a religion are among the unresolved intercultural issues. Both between followers of the same religion and between followers of other religions. For example, the mosque fire that occurred during the 2015 Tolikara conflict, supported by the Ministry of the Evangelical Church, burned the mosque while Muslims were performing Eid prayers. The reasons mentioned above are enough to justify the urgent need to promote intercultural education in Indonesia (Kusuma, 2017). However, multicultural education has been the subject of scientific debate since the early 2000s. Various academic platforms (seminars, seminars and public dialogues on intercultural education) have emerged. In fact, the issue of pluralism has not been completely resolved (Hadi, 2017).This article reiterates the need to implement multicultural education in Indonesia.

Gadjah Mada University need to multicultural education.

Gadjah Mada University seminaries need to develop pointers of multicultural education. In addition to racism, detest crimes, a prejudice and a demarcation. Middle-position adolescents are veritably apprehensive of the need to gain a understanding of a better forbearance for population diversity. Early nonage is a period of development in which adolescents fête the difference between how people should be treated and how they were actually treated. Education multilateral still requires a reform of a comprehensive study on the whole class of an inferior high academy.

The multicultural problem that arises in the people of Central Java, namely Semarang, is caused by several factors, including: Economy, namely the Totok Chinese group, is more blended with the indigenous group because they feel that they have a social status that is not much different from the area of origin where they also come from villages with manual labor skills; Marriage, namely among the Chinese, there is an intimate marriage relationship with the Javanese, such as Subject F's grandfather married a Javanese woman as a second wife so that he can get a son. Social identity, which is the Chinese mode of Islam raising to raise the image of its slumped social identity is also quite interesting because, being Islam among the Chinese is said to be a big disgrace to the Chinese community. That is why they are usually given social sanctions with certain negative labels, even the degree is down, China may be considered lost, ostracized or can be expelled; Cultural society, which is the difference between social groups between Java and China, among Chinese Peranakan feels that the upper-level social image will maintain the image at the same level, for example officials, nobles, priyayi and also maintain the image with the lower class; and, Social distance is the activity of two parties taking into account the dimensions of intimacy seen in a typical pattern in multicultural relations between the Chinese and Javanese. The Chinese are basically able to get along with the Javanese in the form of friendship, neighborhood life both in residence and in boarding houses (for students). Socialization at work or at school is also not a problem.

However, for more intimate relationships such as courtship, marriage and brother-in-law relationships, there is a stronger rejection than that of the Javanese. In Javanese people too, it is common to interact and know Chinese people, so friendship, conflicting relationships and relationships at work or school are relatively non-rejected. As for more intimate relationships such as marriage, courtship and brother-in-law relations, there is a stronger rejection but not as strong as the rejection of the Chinese. This happens to all interpersonal activities, activities in the place of residence and activities on campus.

The problem aspect of the Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University is First, the leadership aspect of the Rector has been harmonized and carried out educationally, and directorial models, directors, administrators, leaders, originators, and motivators who are chastened and prioritize colorful pupil backgrounds; Second, the rector's planning aspect has characteristics; there are pretensions that must be achieved, the current situation, indispensable choices, precedence, strategies used; the rector's planning begins with requirements analysis, has clear pretensions and targets, has an in- depth analysis of the precedence to be achieved, a videlicet to give a wide actualization space for each pupil. In substance, these colorful problems can be overcome by understanding and accommodating all mortal implicit wisely through a multilateral education.

How does Gadjah Mada University deal with this problem?

Equality in rights and status will lead to fairness and equivalency of treatment. Conflict in some corridor of Indonesia has been intimidating, which is characterized by the presence of 1) community groups use conflict as a way to get relieve of the frustration and disappointment they feel, and 2) other community groups use conflict as an armament to break problems. One of the sweats to help conflict is by realizing multilateral education In substance, these colorful problems can be overcome by understanding and accommodating all mortal implicit wisely through multilateral education. Utmost of the master's speakers in lecture conditioning are still not effective and meaningful for scholars, because speakers in preparing tutoring material documents, mastery of accouterments , and mastery of learning methodologies still need to be bettered and the quality of the literacy process in the classroom isn't optimal, especially limited tutoring accouterments . Indonesia is a country rich in multilateral diversity combined in “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"( public symbol) so that the station of social solidarity bedded in scholars is veritably positive because they can accept differences in lot terrain and hearthstone(2). The reality of history, the Multicultural Education Praxis is a restatement of our country, which is' Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.' The principle of multiculturalism is the realization that a nation has numerous different factors." Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" is ignored and not well understood, there will be unhappy statements, speeches, stations, and conduct that will offend and disrupt the atmosphere of diversity in the life of society and the nation, performing in social problems, screams, and decomposition.

Gadjah Mada University is a favorite State University that has a big part to play by optimizing time and also good speakers. In its perpetration, lower optimally, in lot conditioning, especially learning, to invite back with family, a community, and speakers in considering cooperation to form a complete pupil personality, both intellectually and emotionally a Multilateral education is the soul of every assignment. Nearly everything is integrated with a multilateral education. Speakers always convey the significance of forbearance in the midst of the literacy process on.

Gadjah Mada is a symbol of the sun with its shafts and golden unheroic pentagonal kartika that UGM is Pancasila University, the National Center for Science and Culture for advanced education grounded on Pancasila which radiates wisdom, reality and policy. Also in Thai society it has been dominated mentally, intellectually, and culturally by foreign forces against the traditional Thai spirit. Values begin to vanish and beget problems, videlicet morals, ethics, health, and the terrain. Literary character and communal education in Asia has frequently mentioned cross-cultural understanding and global thinking as desirable models for addition in the class or citizenship at the University. Therefore, a speaker who has an artistic understanding or intelligence and has global sapience is needed. In substance, multilateral education can play a part in adding the understanding of conflict knowledge and raising mindfulness to produce results, adding the togetherness of artistic groups so that in the event of conflict it can be effectively resolved grounded on collective respect with the nation-state requirements to produce new ideas about multilateral education grounded on original culture to foster public continuity and integrity.


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