Iceland Export Guidelines
Bisnis | 2023-12-31 21:41:13Iceland is a country that is closely connected to other European countries in a historical, political, and cultural sense. Although it is not a member of the European Union (EU), its relation to the EU is mainly based on the EEA Agreement, which came into effect in 1994. Iceland is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA), which allows the country access to the single market of the European Union (EU). The member states of the European Union are Iceland’s most important economic partners, and the majority of Icelanders working and studying abroad do so in Europe. Through the EEA, Iceland participates with a non-voting status in certain EU agencies and programs, including enterprise, environment, and education. The European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement has had an extensive and largely beneficial impact on the Icelandic economy and legal framework.
Iceland has export regulations in place to control the export of goods, services, and investments of strategic significance. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) is responsible for export control in Iceland, setting policy and issuing export authorizations. The MFA grants three types of authorizations: individual, general, and global. Goods of strategic significance are typically found on lists published based on the Act on Control of Services and Items that have Strategic Significance Act No 58/2010, as amended.
The fee for export authorizations is ISK 2,500 (as of September 2019, see Article 11 (50) of the Treasury Supplementary Income Act No 88/1991), or about 285,000 rupiah to be paid with the application. A transfer can be made to the MFA's account 0303-26-000269 - 670269-4779. A receipt should be attached to the application. The Application for Export Authorization of Controlled Goods form and the End Use Certificate form must be completed. The applications for export authorizations should be sent to:
International Cooperation
Iceland is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and has adopted EU export control legislation, including the European Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (2008/944/CFSP). Certain stipulations on arms transfers are part of the EEA. Iceland also participates in export control regimes such as the Australian Group (Chemical and Biological Weapons), the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Iceland has submitted an application for participation in the Wassenaar Arrangement dealing with conventional weapons and dual-use items. Iceland already implements its rules and guidelines.
Iceland is also a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and implements its own rules and guidelines. The country already implements its rules and guidelines based on international obligations, which are derived from various sources such as the UN Charter, the Chemical Weapons Agreement of 1992, the Arms Trade Treaty, the EEA Agreement, and its participation in export control regimes.
As a member state of the EEA, Iceland is legally bound to implement EU directives and regulations on the free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital. This creates a lot of economic integration and common competition rules between Iceland and the EU. Around 66% of Icelandic exports go to the EU, and the EU made up approximately 54% of Iceland's total trade in goods in 2022. Iceland grants duty-free market access for most fish and fishery products, and the EU applies tariff concessions on some fish and fishery products originating in Iceland.
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