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Image Faisal Fanani

Mahasiswa KKN UM Ajari Media Sosial

Info Terkini | 2021-07-21 22:55:16

Marketing, like science, is dynamic and always changing. Changes in the world of marketing are a must because the business world as the parent of marketing is constantly changing to adapt to the times. The era of globalization has had a considerable influence on marketing and has created new challenges in today's marketing profession. Marketing is required to understand how events in various parts of the world affect the domestic market and opportunities to find new breakthroughs, and of course how these developments will affect the company's marketing patterns. It's also the same as the current condition when the world has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic which has been very troubling for the past 2 years, people all over the world are required to make changes so that marketing and product sales are no longer conventional (offline) but replaced by modern methods (online). .

Digital Marketing is a product and service marketing technique that is carried out using digital media. Media commonly used for digital marketing such as websites, social media, email marketing, video marketing, SEO advertising, etc. The purpose of digital marketing is to reach a wider market with internet media.

Paleran Village consists of various qualified businesses such as selling flowers, seeds, used goods, etc. Most of the business marketing carried out in this village uses direct (offline) marketing. However, due to this pandemic and the PPKM policy, outdoor activities are limited. The solution given by the UM KKN students is to use digital marketing (digital marketing). So this strategy is what the community needs the most right now because even though buying and selling marketing activities cannot be done in a direct way, they can still attract consumers with digital marketing and of course also more practical.

The application of digital marketing in several businesses in Paleran Village uses a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. Qualitative research is a type of research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or forms of calculation (Sugiyono, 2009). The descriptive approach according to Sugiyono (2017:35) is this descriptive research method is carried out to determine the existence of independent variables, either only on one or more variables (stand-alone variables or independent variables) without making comparisons of the variables themselves and looking for relationships with other variables.

Population and sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique. Sugiyono (2010), purposive sampling is a technique for determining research samples with certain considerations aimed at making the data obtained more representative. The objects of research for research on the application of digital marketing in Paleran Village were the Flower Stands of Paleran Village and Paleran Furniture & Electronic Used Goods Shops. The reason is because both businesses are easily accessible and have the data and information needed by researchers. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation.


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